Tag Archives: Learning

Moving on week 2: Making trex indeed!

Used intead of Icing Sugar to roll ou the sugarpaste

Making trex indeed!

It is now the second week of my course and I have already spent so much money on what isn’t even a real cake! (I chose to decorate dummy cakes)

Who knew that decorating cakes would be this difficult??  Especially when if like my class, you have a teacher that is not shy in telling you ‘your cake looks rubbish’.  Don’t get me wrong – its fun, but very time consuming!


Cover base cake with plain sugar-paste


Base cake attached to drums with inserted dowel

Covering top cake with colored sugarpaste




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Moving On week 1: Say hello to the professional!

Finally my Sugarpaste is one colour.


Following on from my earlier nowhere-near-perfect attempts at making cakes ‘look pretty’, I have decided to enrol on a six weeks cake decorating course. Rather than start from the beginning and enrol on the beginners course, in true ‘me’ style, I have instead opted for the ‘Cake decorating moving on course‘.  I figure that as I pick things up pretty quickly, I can just ‘blag’ my way through and learn as I go along!

Using sugar-paste,flower-paste, marzipan, butter-cream and a whole list of utensils I will learn the techniques of how to fill, split, cover and stack a two tiered cake. So say goodbye to the lumpy bumpy uneven cakes of previous posts and hello to the all new professional! (Well, at least professional looking!)

Week 1

After 3 hours, I managed to cover my sugar-paste and cover ‘only’ 1 board!  Maybe I will speed up in week 2?

After all that only managed to cover one nine inch board!


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